
Сообщения за март, 2021

Roommates and Relationships

  Dear Bitter Single Guy:  I live with one of my best friends, who also happens to be a very attractive person of the opposite sex.  We get along great, better than any roommates I know of, and I love living with him.  We spend a ton of time together, cook dinner together almost every night, feel completely comfortable with each other and are basically like “family”.  Our friends joke that we are like an old married couple.  The problem is that despite our better judgment, we keep ending up in bed together; especially if we have been drinking.  The sex is great and it doesn’t actually seem to have a negative affect (yet) on our friendship.  I am assuming that eventually this will change, and our indiscretions will lead to someone getting hurt and the destruction of our friendship.  Also, because we are so comfortable with each other and have such a good time hanging out with each other, I feel as though we are bo...

Competition Update…

  In one simple sentance I can update you on how competition went this past weekend… I didn’t compete. Clearly that sentence however doesn’t answer the throngs of questions that are going to be levied at me if I were to leave it there. 14 weeks of cutting (hard) for competition. 14 weeks of dieting and counting every gram of macro nutrients that went into my body. 14 weeks of watching my body miraculously transform into a sleek and lean package of muscle and curve. 14 weeks of my life spent preparing only to come to the decision last week that I wasn’t going to compete. I can see you sitting there right now with your mouth gapping open and in complete shock, asking yourself, “What was she thinking?” About two weeks ago I became very aware that my “gut” was speaking to me. At first I opted not to listen, kept marching along on the same path that I had laid out for myself. However if you have ever tried to avoid listening to your “gut” you know that it is one noisy and loud presence....

Drinking Diaries: it’s a book give away

  If you are a woman who drinks alcohol,  Drinking Diaries  will speak to you.  Yes, it sounds like a book about alcoholism. And some writers do delve thoughtfully into this struggle. But this book is so much more.  It’s about loving the taste of wine. It’s about almost getting a DUI. It’s about abstaining from alcohol when your husband drinks.  In short, this anthology is about women’s relationships with alcohol.  Honest and vulnerable. Leah Odze Epstein and Caren Osten Gerszberg asked women to discuss the nature of their relationship with drinking. In a great review in  The New Yorker  about a recent  Drinking Diaries  book reading, Betsy Morais writes: “As each author took her turn, everyone in the room was quiet and sombre, holding their plastic cups down in their laps. Nobody dared to take a sip.” As I read the book, I thought about why I was having a glass of wine with dinner. Having alcoholism in my family, and having be...

It’s the Little Things That Kill A Marriage

  Just like it’s the little things that make a marriage great, it’s the little things that make a marriage hell. I once heard someone say that you should find out something that annoys your spouse and make sure you do it every once in a while. Now, I can say with absolute certainty that I have this skill down pat - without even trying. I do it without thinking, but I don’t think that it helps, you know what I’m saying? I like to perform in plays.  It’s a passion that I have, and I consider myself a professional.  The problem, of course, is that I also have a day job.  When I am in rehearsals for any particular production I tend to be very busy and when I am home, I have a tendency to be distracted and busy.  It becomes easy for me to forget to take care of my most important relationship - my marriage. Women need emotional attention.  Many men have the emotional attention span of a mayfly (for those who don’t know, the  average lifespan of a mayfl...